Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Change, Change, make the change when you can


Three seminars and a Facebook live post I listened to last week all spoke about change. They all had the same underlined messages; change is constant, it can be good or bad, it can be driven by oneself or by your surroundings or those around you.

With the onsite of co-vid 19, I have been one of those that have been grounded by this great change our society is facing. But looking back, I think my grounding started long before COVID-19. Just before it started, I had decided that some things in my life must change and I was ready to start making them.  These changes that I needed to make to felt and still feel scary partly because I felt like  I am not equipped to make the change and because I felt and still feel guilty for disrupting the lives of those around me. Maybe I should thank COVID-19 for keeping me from moving forward, but then again, being stuck is unbearable, and therefore I have to make the changes.

So I have decided to do what was suggested by the presenters; I must prepare myself  mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally to face take action because I am worth it.