Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Life path

I am currently reading “The Time Traveler’s Wife”. Yesterday I was excited when I found out that the female character Clare shares my birthday. She was born five years before me. I am now at the part where she is about to describe her 21st birthday- the day she is engaged. It was a Sunday; the very Sunday I had my sweet 16 brunch, which was not so sweet. This has me thinking about life path, fate, and destiny; how much freedom do we really have in deciding what path our life takes. Now I am thinking about how many other ways I could have spent that Sunday to have a great memory like did had on her 21st birthday. My 21st was not that great either, I was living as a poor college student in Michigan at the time, and coincidentally that is where the Clare grew up.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Random- Control/Pedestal

Why do people feel the need to control others? From my observation, people who like to control other lack empathy and are incapable of unconditional love. I cannot see myself controlling anyone, I crave change and I need constant stimulating. How can I get that if everyone around things and acts the same-Maybe I am the controlling one.

“This Pedestal is high and I am afraid of heights”, this phrase from the song Not the Doctor by Alanis Morissette comes to mind as I sit quiet and watch the world’s response to President Obama. I am happy for him but I do not want to be him. He like the rest of us he is human, as human beings, we all make mistakes, as human beings we are not all good though most aspire to be good. To all those who have him on a pedestal please be aware that he might not be able to provide you with all you desire from him.

National Hug day

Today is national hug day or as I call it, “national you will die if you get in my personal space day”. Why do huggers need a day? The only thing that keeps me from freaking out when someone hugs me is the fact that I can foresee it. Anticipating hugs prevent my brain from telling me that the hands around me are smothering me. So beware, do not sneak a hug from me.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Miracle on the Hudson:

The Miracle on the Hudson:

Am I the only one not surprised when incidents like the one that happened on the Hudson River do not end in a catastrophe? Am I the only one that is not shock by the news of the on-lookers willingness to help those affected? Today on my way to work I was listening to my usual AM radio program and I was a bit taken by how surprised the hosts and callers were that everyone on the plane survived.

Have faith people. Miracles happens everyday. There are still good people out there.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

The show "Whatever Martha" - My new find.

I want in on this show. Why don't I get this lucky. I do not want to toot my own horn but I am funny and I can be tres sarcastic. During the show, Martha Stewart’s daughter Alexis and her daughter’s friend Jennifer watches tapes of the Martha Stewart’s show and critic it. Both Alexis and Jennifer are hilarious. Martha did torture her daughter when Alexis was a child but one thing she did right was teach her how to be independent. It is evident to me that Alexis is quite the perfectionist and she can have her own Martha Stewart type show.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Question for AM's webpage-how does love show up in your life as a verb

My response-Since to me “actions speak louder than words”, I am sometimes puzzled when I hear some people whose action I find questionable say it to me. The word love was not use around me when I was growing up but it does appear as an action in my life. Love makes itself known as a verb in my life when I am babysitting my friend’s kids or hanging out with my little cousins, and nephews and nieces. Here are some ways the little one use to show me that they care and these actions transcends time, race and gender: By crying when I leave, by making sure they are sitting as close as possible to me on a couch, by locking me in a room to prevent me from leaving, by picking fights with other kids to get my attention and by interrogating me when I am not where they expect me to be (by far my favorite because the questions I get during these sessions are hilarious).

Now hope she gets to read it which I doubt since as true to form her mailbox is full. This is very frustrating Missy- get a bigger mail box.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Train-wreck television is back with a vengence

What with reality shows such as “Mama’s boy”, “The bachelor” and “True Beauty”? The worse of these is True Beauty which is telling its contestants that the contestants are being judge on their outer beauty but secretly judging them on their inner beauty, whatever that is. But wait, the judges’ court is made up of people who have made a name for themselves by capitalizing on outer beauty.

As for “Mama’s Boy”, three mothers obsessed with their son’s move into a house with 30 girls hoping to pick a suitable sex partner for their boys, the boys living in a separate house are also hoping to pick the mother of their children from the group of girls. My favorite is the mother who has made it known that his son’s future sex partner can only be Jewish, it was fun to see her flip-out when she saw her son making out with a non-Jewish girl- a black girl as a matter of fact.

Finally, “The bachelor” I thought they would have run out of girls by now but sadly that is not the case, the producers were able to find 25 more annoying estrogen field species for this special bachelor whose name has slipped my mind. I hear he is engaged to one of the girls already and spoiler alert; it is the one in wearing the blue dress during the last episode.