Friday, April 29, 2011


Closer than I appear
When my head is down engrossed in leaves,
When my eyes are observing the universe,
When my lips are sealed and arms crossed,
Trust that I am closer than I appear

Surreal- starting over or in my case one lifetime is ending
I imagine many possible futures as shapes of different sizes and colors,
I have created the outline and I am leaving the details to God

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Thoughts in my head

Feeling the peace
I want to feel peaceful, love and light today. I want to be present so I can here my guides and my angel’s guidance. I love me, I am worthy, I am visible, I matter.


Hear me!

I need you to listen to me,
I need you to pay attention,
I know you understand
Pretending you do not will not deter me from tell you the facts

In the work place it is up to you to learn what you need to do your job, everyone is competing with everyone else so no one has the time to help anyone else learn.

Admire not Worship
It is okay to admire people but we must be careful not to worship them because worshipping someone who is power hungry lead to trouble—see the world for examples.

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please grant me the strength to live in the moment, especially this moment in which I face an uncertain future and spells of boredom.
Help me stay hopeful and trust that my angels and guides will help me find a solution to my problems and ways to keep busy.
Help me have faith that all the joys, sadness, and challenges I am facing are for my highest good, and that I will fulfill my life’s goals and purpose.


Monday, April 25, 2011

Eye witnesses accounts of Heaven

I just finished reading two books that has me in an indescribable state. One is written by the mother of Akiane the girl whose art and poetry are inspired by God and the other is by the dad of Colton the who boy visited heaven during a near death experience.
I am still processing what I learned and many questions are ruminating in my head. I cannot get the picture of Jesus Akiane painted out of my head.

I also learned today tht Akiane's brother is the world's youngest philosopher.
Still thinking.....

Last week at work

Finally leaving the place I have been wanting to for a while now, God answered my prayer although not in the way I envisioned. But then my prayer was a two part-er. The most significant is coming and I an anxious because it will bring significant changes to my life. Meanwhile I will be joining the unemployment line and only the universe knows for how long. I am looking forward to next Monday, no snooze button to punch,and to seat all day on my couch instead of a cubicle. But then this is me we are talking about, by the end of the day half of my things will be in boxes awaiting the end of the month's move. To where you ask? Stay tuned.

Friday, April 8, 2011

New York Times' David Brooks " Ryan's Journey

This is a great analysis and I agree with Mr. Brooks.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Still hoping

It is April fool's day, it is acutally a super April fool's day as it falls during a new moon. I decided to apply for jobs in hospitals, so hopefully that were I will find solace. Tomorrow I am going to the New York State Book Festival, I might get to meet Rosanne Cash and hopefully she can sign a copy of her memoir "Composed" for me. She is my birthday-mate which is even cooler. Hope April brings you peace, joy and tranquility. Mercury is retrograding so Gemini and Virgo watch your communication. I must go now.