Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I want my holiday now......

My hatred for living things is intensifying, please it be Wednesday evening. When Wednesday evening comes, I will be in a quiet place or a place that is void of things that produce annoying sounds at inappropriate time or in inappropriate places.

I ask myself during moments like this why I was not given the power to make things disappear appear or reappear, a valid solution to my problem of being easily annoyed by living things.

Friday, November 21, 2008

An interest story about a couple in my past

This is from a response I wrote to a question asked about my mentors, for details see my post on 11/14/2008 titled "Me and Alanis my Spiritual Guru".

When I was 11 years old, I went to a sleep-away-camp organized by the Young Women Christian Association (Y.W.C.A). I went only to be with my friends and to get a break from home-life. At the camp, I met this very religious young couple, who took an interest in me because I was very attentive during their religious sessions, especially during the sing-along portions. The interest they took in me was partly my fault, because back then, I very enthusiastic about singing and learning new songs. They mistook my enthusiasm for a devoted interest in religion and I decided to oblige them for several reasons including the fact that they were Geminis like me (both of them have the same birthday), they were a cute couple, I was too nice, and I thought I would never see them again. To my dismay, they stayed in my life a few months after the camp. They even invited me to visit their church on many occasions. I finally decided to faze them out of my life when one day, they came to my house unannounced and ended the visit with a prayer.

Have a great weekend!!!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

An interesting article about spain's governing body and bodies-Decentralization

I saw this article in the Economist and thought "I should read this and learn more about Spain", I am all for state government but this is one has gotten to the extreme; imagine each state in America as its own country.


Enjoy the article. Feel free to leave comments on this blog or on the Economist web site.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Tracing your Lineage

Yesterday whiles watching a program about the location of the Ark of the Covenant on the History Channel, I remembered an idea that I am working on about the interconnected of the human race. If a particular tribe, race, or culture wants to trace their cultural lineage, they must look for similarities in customs, belief, religious practices, and games of other tribes, race or culture.
In the program, the historian Professor Tudor Parfitt mentioned that his previous quest was to investigate the claims of the Lemba tribe of South Africa that they are Jewish. DNA testing did prove their claim to be correct, which Professor Parfitt later supported after investigating the route the Jewish slaves took when they left Egypt and measuring Jewish Cultural practices against the Lemba’s cultural practices.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Me- Alanis my Spiritual Guru?

Is she kidding me? I think the universe is telling me something, Alanis Morissette is my spiritual guru. Two weeks before Alanis posed the question “Do you have a mentor, tell me about them” on her website, I decided I needed a career mentor and applied to America College of Healthcare Executive (ACHE)’s mentor program. Today, I got news from ACHE that some kind soul has decided to take me on as their protégé.

This is not the first time it has happened, anytime I seek an answer a life affirmed philosophical question, I find the answer in one of her songs or some interview she has done. For example, one day when I was having a bad day, many emotions and thoughts were running through my mind, with nothing to do, I decided to watch television. Whiles channel surfing I came upon a show called “Live from Abbey” on the Sundance channel, and there she was talking about her song “Hands in my Pocket”. She called it the Gemini song. In the verses, she talks about feeling many emotions concurrently when things are not going great and still thinking everything will be ok, a feat that all the Geminis that I have asked experience.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why do I eat peanut butter if.....

Even though I do not like peanut butter and should not eat it because of the indigestion it gives me, I cannot stop spreading it on toasts or eating spoonfuls of it as a snack. I hate that I smell like it hours after having eaten it or that I have to wash my hands three times to eliminate its residue from skin.
Is this just another evidence of my self-destructive ways cause by my lack of discipline with food or what?
Here are few other foods that I am addicted to: Coffee gives me headache but drink it, I am lactose intolerant but I worship dairy, and my favorite migraine triggering gem-chocolate.