Thursday, November 7, 2013

Transition (3) Gifts


Yesterday I was doing one of my assessment of my life, wondering if what I do matter, as things around me keeps falling apart. This morning I checked my email and got this note from the administrator of one of my professional organization.

"I just want to take a moment to say thank you for your tremendous help at the Oct 24th Leadership Event…If it wasn’t for your calm presence and smile during what was a chaotic few hours, I would likely be “laid out on the floor” of the Club that Thursday evening!"
I am so eternally grateful to you!  Looking forward to seeing you at an upcoming WHM event.
WOW-- I responded thanking her but I will definitely do it again in person, telling her what this means to my life and how it came at the right moment. When I got there she was freaking out indeed, so the first thing I do was say a prayer for everything to work out. I am happy it did, the event was a success.

Here are the link to the other transition posts.

Transition 2

Transition 1

Friday, November 1, 2013

Transitions (2) - Fear, Gratitude, Letting go



Fear, whatever it is will become your personal stalker during your time in transition. It sees and knows everything and makes up what it is not sure of. It will be there when you wake up, go to sleep and even in your dreams. If you try to ignore it, it will make faces at you while digging in its heels to letting you know it is here to stay. With fear around being positive and having faith is difficult as it will constantly remind you of all the times things has not worked out as you hoped, it will give you many reasons why things are not working out as you need it to now.

When you notice this fear you going to have to be strong and meet it eye to eye. You are going to have to acknowledge it and its message and then release it. This works wonders. Someone people recommend naming the fear after acknowledging it before releasing it, this I think will help you recognize it when it comes again so showing it the door will be prompt or after five minutes.



Being grateful is must during this period. It will be difficult; you will have to dig deep. You are going to question why you must be grateful when the world is closing in on you. To be able to offer gratitude, you will need to step out of your current situation and look at the world around you. If you are having trouble to find something to be grateful for, make a list of the things that is sustaining you at the moment.  Think of the Sun that warms the earth, or the rain that nourishes it, think of water you drink or with which you take a bath, think of anything that makes you smile even for the moment. Think of the people who by their words, action or presence are reminding you not to give up.

Letting go

After you’ve analyze your life, gone within and figured out your goals and dreams, and what you envision for your life, when your what you want and need becomes the same, you are going to want this need now.  You might feel an energy surge that will propel you into the “I must prepare phase”.  You will start doing everything you can to get ready to start accomplishing your goals and living your dreams, but then after all the work you put it, you find that you might have to wait.  You will give up. This is the time when you will need to have faith. You are going to have to call for help, turn to the big guy and put it in his hands. Instead of giving up, you must surrender to God.  Tell him and his helpful angels to take over because when you give up, you are left with nothing. Remember, you are not going through all this for “nothing”.  

 Click Here for :Transitions (1)

Transition 3