Monday, November 9, 2020

I am not going back!!


After the US election result was called, I saw a comment on a social media post that said “I feel like things are back to normal”.  Looking back at my life in society, nothing for me has felt normal. I don’t want any of what could have been better to be normal. I expect better for humanity.  I don’t want to go back, or backward for fear of reliving the past. I want to move on and go forward. I want to go forward because in the future I still believe people who differ in their ideology will still respect each other’s humanness and agree to disagree instead of wanting to wipe each other off the face of the earth. I want to move forward because I still look forward to a future where I am seen as a person first, not as only my gender or as only what people think about my heritage. I want to move forward because I want my life to be better, I want to live and love fully and I want to make goals and do whatever it takes to achieve it because in the future this is possible.

As i go forward i will take with me Traditional Hymns and Christmas Carol and Classic Movies, including the Sound of Music from the past.


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