Saturday, March 20, 2010

In order to be happy all the time you will have to be insensitive.

Some time last year, I was talking so someone regarding regarding a comment a wife made calling her husband grumpy, I mentioned that the husband was grumpy because of his astrological personality trait and the person I was speaking with said he had a friend with the sign who is always Happy.. Then I thought what?, does this friend live in this world, is this friend aware of the going-ons around them, because if they are they must be insensitive.

Today while listening to broad way greats discussing Tennessee Williams, Natasha Richardson and Jessica Lange both mentioned that Tennessee Williams gave a quote similar to mine about happiness and insensitive. He said something to the effect that to be happy all the time is to be insentivity... funny. I will add him to my list of one of the dead people with whom I will love converse.

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