Thursday, October 29, 2009

Projecting your feelings unto others

It's funny how people make excuses for actions done by people they love and will criticize those they don't like for the same act. For example I was checking out a website that would remain nameless and someone mentioned that they are shock the individual the website is dedication to smoked, and quickly others came to the smoker's defense and started making excuses like ' the cigaratte the person smoked does not smell.. Whatever, the funny part is the smoker on many occasion had tried quitting and finally did, and that should have given some clue in the commenters head. These people would make great support system for people trying to quit an addiction-not.
Another conversation I found interesting was regarding an article written by someone who described how they thought the person had plastic surgery even thought the person did admit to at least doing one thing. People went on to attack of the writer of the article because how dear he/she mention it.. No one mentioned how the writer said that they thought the person was beautiful and did not need any work done.
People get over it, stop making it about you, its okay if you don't approve of plastic surgery for cosmectic purposes, but please mind your business. Attacking the writer and the magazine just says something about you for checking out the magazine in the first place and butting into other people's business.

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