Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Train-wreck television is back with a vengence

What with reality shows such as “Mama’s boy”, “The bachelor” and “True Beauty”? The worse of these is True Beauty which is telling its contestants that the contestants are being judge on their outer beauty but secretly judging them on their inner beauty, whatever that is. But wait, the judges’ court is made up of people who have made a name for themselves by capitalizing on outer beauty.

As for “Mama’s Boy”, three mothers obsessed with their son’s move into a house with 30 girls hoping to pick a suitable sex partner for their boys, the boys living in a separate house are also hoping to pick the mother of their children from the group of girls. My favorite is the mother who has made it known that his son’s future sex partner can only be Jewish, it was fun to see her flip-out when she saw her son making out with a non-Jewish girl- a black girl as a matter of fact.

Finally, “The bachelor” I thought they would have run out of girls by now but sadly that is not the case, the producers were able to find 25 more annoying estrogen field species for this special bachelor whose name has slipped my mind. I hear he is engaged to one of the girls already and spoiler alert; it is the one in wearing the blue dress during the last episode.

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