Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Why do I eat peanut butter if.....

Even though I do not like peanut butter and should not eat it because of the indigestion it gives me, I cannot stop spreading it on toasts or eating spoonfuls of it as a snack. I hate that I smell like it hours after having eaten it or that I have to wash my hands three times to eliminate its residue from skin.
Is this just another evidence of my self-destructive ways cause by my lack of discipline with food or what?
Here are few other foods that I am addicted to: Coffee gives me headache but drink it, I am lactose intolerant but I worship dairy, and my favorite migraine triggering gem-chocolate.


Lori's View said...

HI YINA I LOVE YOUR BLOG! why do people drink alcohol when they are drunks because they love it the same way you love peanut butter! oh and I love peanut butter and coffee too!

Moriyina Elizabeth said...
