As we approach the end of 2019, I am getting many prompts to look back and take stock of my accomplishments, failures, joys and sadness of 2019 and then to create a plan for what I want to accomplish in 2019.
Okay I am in but for the 2019 bit. 2018 was another difficult year for me but much less the past 6 years before it. The first half of this year was full of course corrections and endings. In this last have, I find myself in a holding pattern, reaching out for my next steps on many fronts but not being able to grab them. I guess and hope this is the rest period and it will end soon.
I am healthier than I was this time last year, my Spanish and French comprehension have improved, I finished the year-long study of ‘A Course in Miracle’ and I am capable of meditating for 20 minutes at a time (I could sit for 5mins this time last year).
I made new friends and know who I want to be regarding my relationship with others, my work and myself. I know what kind of people I want in my life.
My favorite thing about 2018 was the unexpected role model that came into my life. Because of this person, I am a little braver, more open and my light is slipping out from under the bushel.