Last night at 2:14 am I sent an email to the landlord office
to complain that people were jumping and banging on the roof. Normally I will brood ( using the term from
Dr. Susan David’s Emotional Agility) and
do nothing but I am tired of humans lack of disregard and empathy for others,
which is what I think is the reason for
the landlord posting rules limiting the
laundry hours from 8 am to 10 pm and Roof access hours from 9 am to 10 pm. Being
aware of our surroundings and environment, as well as considering how our
actions affect others is crucial if we
want a world that is productive, thriving and a place to call home. I should have asked them to tell the pot
smokers to keep their doors and window close when smoking because their
valuable product is escaping causing havoc
on my respiratory system, eyes and throat.. Karma is real and dues will come due when you least expect it from the people who would never imagine will do anything to cause you discomfort.