My First Toastmaster speech
I always find it difficult to talk about myself, it is
difficult to know where to begin or what will be interesting to others , truthfully
I rather observe the world around me. Today
I have chosen to tell you about some of my favorite things, my current
passions. Hopefully it will take the
spotlight off me a bit.
Before I begin, here are a few interesting tidbits about me.
I am one of those
curious Gemini who want to know a little about
almost everything, I am the eternal student; I am always seeking out
In college, instead of the normal math minor customary
of Chemistry Majors, I ended up with Philosophy because I took many social
science classes.
I have four first names and a compound last name… My
full birth name is Elizabeth, Moriyina Cordelia
Diana Kamara-Cole.
I love History, Archeology and Psychology. Currently, I am learning about ancient Greece
courtesy of my newest favorite Historian Dr. Bettany Hughes.
My interest in the ancient world peaked recently when I
stumbled on some of the program she had done for the BBC , while I was looking for videos of the English
countryside on YouTube one Sunday whiles
I was sick - I typed in moorlands and one of the video that kept popping up was
“When the moors ruled Europe”. After
watching many amazing documentaries on the countryside I caved and watched
Bettany Hughes video and I was hooked, within minutes. She is an amazing presenter and she could
definitely win many toastmasters’ awards. One of my favorite part about her documentaries is
when she reads ancient inscriptions in the original languages.
Speaking of
language it is Another passion of mine.
Growing up in Freetown, Sierra Leone, English was my
least favorite subject even though my dad was an English professor;
academically I was a math and science person who dazzled in decorating at
Christmas. When I discovered French, my
passion for using languages as a way to learn about other
cultures was ignited. I am currently
immersed in the French language and culture
as my goal is to be fluent. I
even get my news alerts in FRENCH, which helps me read in French every
day. I’ve recently joined a website
called Open University where I am currently
taking an intro course on Greek
and Latin as I delve into the ancient world.
I recently concluded that I hated English because it was in English class that I was forced to read out loud and write
about myself. Funnily, Writing is slowing
becoming a favorite of mine, though I am currently working through a writers
block and on a hiatus from blogging.
I use my writing
to explore ideas and stay informed; for
instant I was asked via twitter to
contribute to a eBook about how music
influenced culture, I wrote about how
music had influenced my past. At my
first job after finishing Healthcare MBA degree, I started a health care blog
because I felt that I was not getting much interaction with the healthcare
community. My writing has also helped me
document amazing experience such, the
connection I felt to Paris when I visited it for the first time in 2010 and my
interaction with Musician Alanis Morissette when I met her in Boston in 2008.
I hope that you have gotten a glimpse into my life by me
telling you about my interests in learning, ancient civilizations, languages and writing; which
are my current passions. My favorite things.
Thank you!