Tuesday, May 4, 2010


meditate, being one with nature, sitting in silence, staying quite

self reflection

You sing,

you pray,

someone talk at you,

this is okay for some and not for others

Some need time to reflect,

because they value reflecting more than anything else

Why Judge?

Creating a division where is none,
What do you feel when you assume the unknown,
Do you live in constant fear that those whom appear different from you are judging you?
Do you realize judgments are not always negative?
Have you ever consider extending an open arm instead of dwelling in fear,
Have you ever tried not making unfair judgments of others?
Have you ever tried looking the other way and moving on?


If I constantly dwell on judgment people make of me, I will not be able to function, I will not be able to live my life, and I will probably resign to my bed for life. If the judgments are positive, I will focus too much attention on maintaining it and if the judgments are negative, I will focus too much on eliminating it. As I am on a path to un-earthing my authentic-self, I will have to look within to define myself not to others, especially since others might consider what I hold dear and valuable unworthy.

I have never met anyone who is exactly like me, I don’t care to meet anyone who is exactly like me, what is the fun of learning and exploring God’s universe if I already know everything; yes if you are exactly like me you should know everything that I know and have all my experiences.
Yes, I do have a lot in common with different people, such ask interests in learning, traveling, philosophy, psychology, and becoming your authentic-self to name the few but even then I find that sometimes our opinions about these this are different, which is very exhilarating.

Everywhere I look these days I see judgment, I am also guilty of it, and we all make assumptions of others before getting to know them. We pass negative judgment about people who have a different skin color as us, or have an accent, or grow up in a different neighborhood, or from a different social class, or are wearing something we do not like. Sometimes our judgments are right on the money and at other times, they are dead wrong. The past couple of month I have watched some unfortunate things happened that resulted from a bad judgment made by someone and all I am wondering is how are the feeling now. I have watched people miss excellent opportunities because of negative judgments. So let us beware of the type of judgment we pass on others because in most cases we ruin our own change for personal, professional and spiritual growth.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Another Redgrave is gone.

I just found out Lynn Redgrave is dead. She died less than a month after she lost her brother and a year after Natasha her neice.
My thoughts are with her family especially since it is another big loss so soon. I feel especially sad for Vanessa, first her daughter and now both of her siblings are gone. This shows us what we know about life.
I am so glad I took the opportunity to see her in "Nightingale" a play which she wrote and it is about her grandmother. Though she had to read from the script, she was amazing in it, I loved all the voices she did.
She will be missed, at least she is not in great company.

Yesterday at the crop walk.

Yesterday, I did the crop walk with the twins age 6 and their parents. The crop walk is a yearly event organized by the united Methodist church to raise awareness and money to combat hunger locally and internationally- It is a 5 mile walk and according to my pedometer we burned 249 calories and walked about 13,000 steps. The twins did great although they whined from start to finish but I blamed that on the 83 degree weather temperature. One of them found a caterpillar which she carried the whole way and finally made a home for it in their yard. The other one kept announcing to us and the world that her underwear was soaked with sweat.
After the walk, we got to their house and turned on the sprinklers, all of us sans the dad got wet. The twins were smart enough to put on their swimsuit and the mum and I were not.